Morgan got casted a lead role in the upcoming musical at Las Vegas High School! The musical is called "Back to the Eighties!" She is going to play "Kim." I am doing a lot of the choreography for the musical so it will be fun for us to spend some time together on it! It should be fun and she is so talented! I can't wait to see her shine! Love that girl! Congrats Moe!
Way to go Moe. I guess I will have to go see a play at LVH now.
congrats Morgan, that is so cool! Kay- that ugly outfit is so freakin funny, I am crackin up right now. you guys are crazy.
morgan congrats on your role! we want front row seats! just sittn with you the other night, i was like WOWza morgan can sing!
love your blog jenna! and the posts about you and your dad..i love this. that is exactly how me and my dad were. he taught me so much, and we would always go and get a cold one after our projects! {pepsi} your yard looks so good!
It's good to see you blogging again! I love the ugly outfit story and look forward to the continuation to see what happens next...haha:) It's hilarious! Also, expect a call from me very soon...(hair)
Hey girl what up it's Cherine! Happy to see you on here and know your just as funny as ever ( the ugly outfit story). You are Great. My blog is on private so email me. crmontie@hotmail.com!
Like Mother, Like Daughter! I remember watching you shine on the stage. That is so fun that you get to choreograph it and spend that time with her!
Congratulations to Morgan!!! How fun!!! I agree with Jen, like mother like daughter!!! And I love your blog.
You guys are so cute with that outfit!! Too funny!!!
Ya Morgan! You go girly...I want to see pictures! I want to go see it..let me know! Love your guts all!
Congrats Morgan! That is crazy to think you have a daughter in High School! Where does the time go? Seriously.
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