My mom started a tradition when we were kids to help prolong Christmas morning... Tracy and Kara and I have continued that tradtion with our families. You take a ball of yarn for each child in the family and string it all over the family room (or whatever room you don't have your tree in). After doing everyones ball of yarn, you have created a web throughout the whole room and then everyone races to roll theirs up first. The strings can lead to a hidden gift in the room for each person, or they can lead to one big family gift, or to a note that leads them on a scavenger hunt...My mom was always very creative! Anyway, this year all of the strings at my house led right out the back door...

This little cute bundle is what they found!!!!!

They were sooooo surprised to find a cute little yellow lab pup!

Here is her cute little face that is soon to be HUGE!! She is so cute! She looks like a little bear cub! She going to be my new running partner since Daryl will only be biking now after his knee surgery. It's been fun but a little like a new baby! Up at night and outside constantly to potty train her! It will be worth it!
what a great idea!
He is so cute!! I bet your kids are loving him. I love the idea also.. So fun!! :)
What a cute little puppy!! She will definitely make a good running partner for you!
I like that idea!She is soooo cute!
Are you crazy!! She sure is cute-but lots of work. That sounds like a fun little game with the string.
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